On 22 April 1990 the late Barbara Deubzer and I led a walk from East Grinstead with the Lunch stop at the Anchor Inn in the Winnie the Pooh village of Hartfield. It was very much Barbara's walk and I was just learning from her. Neither of us had ever led a club ramble before. The itinerary appeared in the programme as follows:


SUNDAY 22 APRIL                   Leaders: Barbara Deubzer and Tony Finnegan


Meet: VICTORIA at 10 am for the 10.22 train to EAST GRINSTEAD

                                                                                  (Arrives: 11.18)

Lunch: The Anchor Inn, Hartfield                              Tea: No chance

Distance: 14 miles                                      Fare: £5.40 CDR  


Photography was not much practised on rambles at that time but I did take a few photographs with my primitive instamatic camera.

Although summer had not yet arrived the garden of the Anchor Inn provided comfortable space for lunch.

Nicely fed and watered at the Anchor we gathered on the green opposite to begin our afternoon walk.

After a morning walk of 7 miles entirely along the disused railway line the afternoon walk took us through interesting fields and countryside back to East Grinstead. In the lead above is Brian Jones who was later ordained a priest of the Neocatecuminate and was unfortunately taken from us by Covid 19 in 2020. Behind Brian is Barbara with her beloved dog, Ben, who became a favourite of ramblers over the next few years.

This is a closer and clearer shot of Brian. Note the number of ramblers following - from that day to the beginning of the Foot and Mouth Outbreak in 2001 I never led a walk with less than 20 ramblers.


Although the programme said there was "no chance" of Tea, Barbara kindly invited us to her house in Portman Road in East Grinstead where we had the first of several happy evenings enjoying Barbara's hospitality.