The Winter Programme for 2003 - 2004 Carried the following announcement of an event to take place during the following Summer:


Future Events

Summer Picnic 3.00pm 19 June 2004

Please make a note in your diaries for this event which will be held on the Bandstand in Queens Park W10. (4 mins. walk from Queens Park Station, 4 mins walk from Brondesbury Park Station.) There will be strawberries and cream followed by a meal and a dance in the near by Corrib Rest, Salusbury
Rd NW6. ( 3 mins walk) As we will have the use of the Bandstand we should not have to worry about the weather, as we will be well sheltered. There is a lot to see in the Park, as it is an attractive one in that it has colourful flower gardens and a lovely animal sanctuary. Please come on your own or bring
friends, family and you will be welcome.

You don't necessarily have to come for the meal and dance although you will be missing a happy gathering. The meal will cost roughly £7 and for those interested in the meal it would be good to have an idea of numbers before hand.
Please call me (Bill O'Neill)  if you are coming for the meal.


Cameras were not so much in evidence back then but we did receive the following shots taken on the day.

Strawberries and cream were generously provided by the Secretary of the Day - Bill O'Neill, seen above on the right speaking to two other members who had served as past secretaries and would do further time in the role in later years.

Bill had comandeered the band stand for the afternoon picnic and it provided comfortable accommodation for the surprisingly small gathering to enjoy refreshments and conversation.

At the end of the afternoon picnic a few of us repaired to Bill's favourite gourmet pub the "Corrib Rest" where we were joined by a few other members and had an enjoyable meal followed by an evening of social dancing.