On Sunday 27 April 2014 Paul Connolly led a walk from Farnham, with lunch at the Good Intent in Puttenham, a favourite lunchtime venue for members of the club. Fortunately Antoinette had her camera and kindly provided the following photographs. Unfortunately I was not on the walk myself so there are no captions.





A notice boarddescribes the natural setting of Runfold Wood. Not very legible I'm afraid but if you can download it and enlarge the view you wull find some interesting details.



Good to get a shot of our photographer on the other side of the lens

Refreshing to see the bluebells at this time of year.

As welcome as the bluebells is the sight of the Good Intent for lunch 


Paul arranged this walk in commemmoration of the late John Haworth who sadly died last year. Like Paul himself John in his lifetime had made a valuable contribution to the club as ramble list compiler. Lovely to see Marta, her daughter and grandchild in this photograph.

















Another notice board describing St Catherine's with its chapel and a history of fair. Once thought to have been a Canterbury pilgrims' venue it is now thought to have been simoly a chapel of ease built to save local people the journey to Guildford for Mass.

Our thanks  to Paul for leading a lovely and to Antoinette for a delightful collection of photographs