On Sunday 17 April 2016 Paul Brunning led a walk in the Otford area, an area much favoured by club members over the years. This walk was heralded in the Spring 2016 programme as follows:


Sunday 17th April    Leader: Paul Brunning    OS map 188 

Meet         :Blackfriars 0920 for 0942 train to Otford (arr 10.37) 

Lunch       :The Woodman, Otford 

Tea          :  Aaah, now you mention it............ 

Distance   :9 miles returning from Otford 

Fare         :£7.80 cdr Otford with NSE card 

On this occasion we are very fortunate to have photographic memories from the camera of Antoinette Adkins and these are reproduced with thanks below.