Penny Rivett joined the club in membership year 1976/77. She was then known as Penny Fullerton but following the tragic death in 1989 of her great friend Peter Rivett she changed her name to Rivett. I heard that on the night Peter was killed she had seen the report on the television news that a fatal accident had occurred when a lorry jackknifed on the A1 but didn't realise until later that the fatality was actually Peter who was driving the lorry.


When I rejoined the club in 1988 Penny was a regular Sunday rambler and for some time used to bring her dog, Sally, out on walks. She did a short stint on the committee, having been elected at the 1995 AGM but her resignation due to personal commitments was announced in the Summer Programme 1996.  She led at least one ramble (in the Richmond area) which was fondly remembered by those who attended it.


On 13 September 2021 Maurice Hickman e mailed the sad news that Penny had died on 19/20 August. Penny's funeral took place on Wednesday 22nd of September and the celebrant of the Requiam Mass, Father Fergal, has kindly made available to us the full text of his eulogy which can be read by clicking HERE.


May she rest in peace.