Marion (nee Rigg) joined the Club in November 1961 and used to speak of remembering Geoff Miller from her first ramble. Having spent many happy hours together on rambles, YHA weekends, holidays, square dances and other social events, and producing the Club Magazine, they eventually accepted, on a Club YHA weekend on the Isle of Wight, that they couldn’t live without each other, and married in February 1965. They became life members in 1982.


They were blessed with three children; Philip (now a priest of Westminster Diocese),  Barbara and Anthony, and 4 grandchildren.


They kept in touch with many of their Club friends, always bringing their children to the Club children’s parties.  Then, following the Club Diamond Jubilee in 1990, suggested organising a reunion holiday.   They organised the first of these in 1991 at the Holiday Fellowship House at Freshwater Bay on the Isle of Wight to which many 1960’s era members came.  Following its success, other members organised similar holidays for several years, until, sadly, old age gradually caught up with them all.


But Marion and Geoff still kept in touch with many of their Club friends.  But, sadly, Marion fell at home on 27 December 2021, breaking her femur.   Although the operation was successful, it caused a blood clot which led to her death on 7 January 2022.


Marion & Geoff’s son Fr Philip was chief celebrant at the funeral Mass on 11 February in the Church of SS Alban & Stephen, St Albans, the church where Marion had been baptised 89 years before, where she had made her First Holy Communion and been confirmed, and where she and Geoff had been married.   Philip had also been ordained there, and Barbara married there.  Her body now lies at peace in Hatfield Road Cemetery, St Albans.   May her soul rest in peace, Amen


Obituary kindly provided by Marion's Husband Geoff, as has the following copy of her memory card.