On Sunday 16 March 2014 Maurice Hickman led a walk from Plumpton to Lewes. Sheila Bravin kindly provided the photographs shown below.

Setting out from Plumpton in Spring sunshine

Always stragglers engaged in lively conversatiomn

The hills beckon

Dried up mud mostly

Ramblers pick their way through cautiously

Each field a transition to more natural beauty

A winter sun in a cloudless sky

Caught their attention for a snap

Wooden bridge to cross

Ramblers ctually!!

Lunch stop is near! Idyllic scenes prevail

Anyone know what these are?

Stateky home/farm and private river

Lunch stop, and local produce for lunch

A well fed group embark on the afternoon trek

Yes steep, but many calories!!

One of only two stiles encountered on this day

The steep hill obscured in the woods

Ramblers cross with ease

Amazing views, and not even at the top yet.

Onward and upwards

A gentle plateau before the last climb

Relieved and in awe of view

Waiting for last ranbler to begin prayer

The peace prayer of St Francis was recited at the summit

Walkers continue towards Lewes

An ancient path, no doubt across the bridge

No getting lost here!!

The day draws to a comforting close