The eleventh in a series of articles by Leo Coshan, describing his experiences testing his vocation in the Societas Verbi Divini (S.V.D. Society of the Divine Word)


 Shalom, Ramblers, and a happy New year. As I wrte this it is quite cold outside with hints of sleet and frivolous wind. It is Peace Sunday and the readings help us to know what peace really is in the mind of God. (those interested should read Zephaniah 2, 3; 3, 12-13; 1 Corinthians 1, 26-31 and Matthew 5, 1-12). The running theme is lowliness. I suppcse when Jesus
showed himself at the Resurrection to his friends (John 20, 21) and wished them 'Shalom' he himself then gave them the means to he full of peace hy breathing on them the Holy Spirit (John 20, 22). 'How blessed are the peacemakers' (Matt 5, 9) in the sermon on the mount refers to those who desire peace in their hearts, whose prayer for peace hegins with making
peace in their hearts dth God as the verse following John 20, 22 says: For those whose sins you forgive, they are foreiven. It does seem that peace must go out from our inner hearts as we accept the cleansing action of the Holy Spirit. When we pray for peace anywhere in the world we must want that peace first of all in our 'innards' Then, like a pebble dropped into a pond, the ripples win go out from the centre.

No, this article is not a sermon, at least it was not intended to be. But it is a
change from the usual chronice of events. Howeve , here are a few accounts from the life we lead at Cricklewood and Mill Hill. Our Community is further depleted. As a result of our General Chapter which ended late Novemher the new Superior General, Father Heinrich Heekeren appointed our 
rector, Father Peter McHugh to the Generalate in Rome as Secretary General in charge of Formation and Education throughout the S.V.D. world. As he moves on we await a new rector. 


At the MIL (Missionary Institute London) we are back in full swing.We had a
eautiful Unity and Mission Mass at which I was the acolyte. The theme of Unity, and Mission is very apt. It applies to every Christian, for in the Lord we are one and are also on a mission. The Church is Mission. So begins our take-off point in Ecclesiology: 'The Church is her true self only when  she exists for humanity.' (Dietrich Bonheoffer).

Academically, I have completed courses in 

a) Scripture: Old Testament Wisdom literature, Psalms and the Apocalyptic writings. NewTestament John's Gospel (ending my New Testament studies) 

b) Theology: God and the Blessed Trinity, Revelation and the other Churches, i.e. Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox Churches. 
This Semester sees m attempting to .understand the Prophets in Scripture, and in theology: more on God: mainly his relations with Man and Creation, Providence, Original Sin and the Problem of evil and Eschatology (the last 'thlrigs) and Church (ecclesiology).To these are added Christian Ethics dealing mainly with the 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th Commandments; a course on Communications given by a team from Hatch End, and finally, Public 
Speaking. All very interesting and stimulating, giving marvellous new
insights in fields where one can tend to take things so much for granted.

Earller this year we had our Annual Reunion at our Liverpool house, where we met our new novices. There are six of them and. hopefully, they will join our comnnmity next Octoher.


Our local area Bishop , Philip Harvey, paid us a visit, celebrating the EUcharist and sharing our supper. The evening was an enjoyable one and made for good relations among the clergy, diocesan and religious.

And so I must end this - shorter than usual article if it is to be fitted into the

Godlle Bless you all, and remember as you walk in all kinds of weather that the Lord is walking with each one of you. His presence brings true peace. 'Peace give I to you' he sings in your heart.

Shalom again urrtil next time




Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. (Kan Fu tse(Confucius))