On Sunday 15 July 2018 John Burbage led a walk from Burnham, a venue that I do not remember appearing in a programme in my time in the club. John's walk was heralded as follows in the Summer Programme:


Sunday 15th July                               Leader: John Burbage OS map 175

Meet: Paddington 0910 for the 0930 train to Burnham, Bucks (arr 1005)

Lunch: The Blackwood Arms, Littleworth Common. A lovely little pub in a woodland setting. Good food with larger and smaller portions available on most mains to suit all budgets. Outdoor facilities available for picnickers.

Tea: Teapot Tea Shop, Cookham

Distance: 13 miles returning from Maidenhead. The walk passes through Burnham Beeches and is mainly on the level but with some gentle rises and falls. Possibly muddy in places

Fare: Off-peak day return Maidenhead £8.45 (£3.95 from Z6) with Network Card


On the day Antoinette took the following photographs and has kindly made them available for our enjoyment.