In 2009 we had the annual day of recollection on Saturday 23 May.  We had

other dates in mind but were forced into selecting this date because of the

availabilityof premises and a speaker.  The premises were the beautiful Capuchin

FranciscanCentre in Erith, South East London as shown in this photograph.



The feeling of Easter rejoicing was still in the air and the Alleluia on the front

of the Church proclaimed the rejoicing. 



The third and fourth photographs are of a marble sculpture inside the Centre





and finally a photograph showing the small group who attended, with Brother

Prins who led us in a beautiful day's reflection on our walking experiences and

thereligious dimension that they can bring to our lives. 


Sadly there were only eight or nine members present and this perennial lack of

support for these days in recentyears has resulted in no day of recollection

specifically for the clubbeing arranged in subsequent years.