In 1995 we celebrated the May Bank Holiday weekend from 5 to 8 May at the Youth Hostel Association's hostel in Hindhead, a 16 bed hostel which our organiser, Catherine Fahy had booked in its entirety and all places were quickly taken up by members of the club.


The weekend was advertised as follows in the Spring Newsletter


Youth Hostel Weekend at Hindhead 6th to 8th May.


Staying 2 nights at hostel (Saturday and Sunday) Cost of accommodation - £12 (approx.)

Weekend return fare to Haslemere £14.30

If breakfast simple dinner and packed lunch wanted, please order. Arrangements will be made at Catholic Church in Haslemere for depositing bags for the day.

Hindhead is a 16 bed youth hostel with basic facilities (no shower or bath). Can also bring tents. Parking 1/4 mile from hostel.


Ring Catherine Fahy to reserve places (16 resereved).


We did not have a website in 1995 so the photographs were not given the publicity accorded to photographs taken on rambles in the 2020s. However a few of them were rediscovered in 2021 whe Helen Hunt was doing a springclean and are reproduced below.

The hostel was situated at the bottom of the valley known as "The Devil's Punchbowl. Since the entire accommodation had been booked by club members and we were all adults the warden dispensed with the normal rule of lights out at 11 pm. We walked up to the village pub at the top of the valley on Saturday evening and made our way back down through the wood in darkness after closing time.

In the morning we had breakfast and prepared for the day's ramble in brilliant sunshine on the patio outside the hostel.

On the walks on Saturday and Sunday we were joined by several members who had come down on the train just for the day.